Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Skin-tillating ideas

Get that glow with time-tested ingredients that are easily available — in your refrigerator

Even in the days of yore when beauty was not so easy as squeezing a tube or pouring from a bottle, women — and men — managed to keep their skin glowing and healthy with as few blemishes as possible.

How? They turned to their pantries to feed the skin what they fed themselves. Indian royalty used Fuller's earth and ground gram mixed with herbs, sandal paste and essential oils. Egypt's Cleopatra was famous for bathing in donkey milk and the Europeans maintained their "peaches and cream" complexion with oatmeal and honey.

tabloid! on Saturday, therefore, decided to raid the pantry or, more likely, the refrigerator, to learn some of the simplest and oldest homemade masks to maintain a beautiful visage. Most of these are suitable for all skin types, but lemon juice and yoghurt can be swapped and oils added if you have skin tending towards the dry. Though all products presented here are natural, it's advisable to do a patch test for allergies before using anything full-on.

As with all facials, cleanse face and neck with a suitable face wash, and scrub if needed, before applying the mask. Keep masks on for not more than 15 minutes, unless otherwise mentioned.

Almond paste and honey

Excellent for dry skin as the oil in almonds will give you it the required nourishment and the honey will bring the glow. Soak 15-20 almonds overnight in a little water, grind to paste and add about a teaspoon of honey. Add a dash of milk if the paste seems too thick. Alternatively, grind dry almonds and mix with milk, honey, lemon juice and a few drops of rose water to make an excellent body scrub.

Rose petals, honey, milk and almond oil

Not only will this leave you smelling good, rose oil is known to contain chemical compounds that are proven antioxidants. It is also said to treat skin conditions, such as rosacea. Grind rose petals with milk into a paste. Add a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of almond oil.

Banana, honey and lemon juice or yoghurt

Bananas are full of vitamins and minerals, and moisturise skin leaving it looking fresh and soft. Mash a ripe banana to a smooth paste. Add a little lemon juice or yoghurt, depending on your skin type, and dash of honey.

Egg white

Another home special that some feel can leave you smelling, but is a great way to tighten your pores and give you a temporary facelift. Just separate two egg whites, whip them a little, if you wish, and apply to face and neck until it dries (about 15 minutes).

Oatmeal and honey

This age-old favourite is best for oily skin. Cook one-third cup fast-cook oatmeal with half cup water. Cool and thicken. Add quarter cup honey while cooling and mix well and apply a thin and even layer. The oatmeal tends to absorb excess oil in the skin.

Fuller's earth, rose water and milk

Another timeless favourite, this can be used every day. Mix Fuller's earth with milk and rose water and apply until it dries. Regular use clears blemishes and leaves you feeling clean and glowing.

Honey and lemon juice

For an instant fresh look, apply a mix of two tablespoons runny honey and half tablespoon lemon juice for ten minutes and wash off.

Potato juice

Not very well known but potato's astringent and antibacterial qualities can help reduce acne. Grate a potato and apply as is or mix potato juice with a few drops of rose water for a cooling effect. Or add a little honey and almond oil to grated potato for dry skin.

Glycerin, rose water and lemon juice

Mix two tablespoons of liquid glycerine (available in pharmacies and supermarkets) with a few drops of rose water and about a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply to face and neck before sleeping and wash face in the morning with water. It leaves your skin glowingCan be done every night.

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